
Benjamin Kurtz Academy LLC does not store credit card details nor share customer details with third parties. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.



Digital Products: Upon purchase, digital products are immediately accessible in the „My Library“ („Meine Bibliothek“) section of our website for streaming or download.

Oneness Membership: Members have access to the Library as long as their subscription remains active.

Courses: Some course content may become available on specific dates as detailed in the course description.


Refunds & Cancellations

Digital Goods: Due to the nature of digital products, we do not offer refunds.

Online Courses: Refunds are available within 48 hours after purchase or within 24 hours after the start of an online course, whichever is later. To request a refund, please contact


Coaching and Mentorship Services

For our coaching and mentorship services, clients are required to read and agree to the specific terms and conditions associated with each service prior to purchase. This agreement is completed through the specific product page in our online store or via email correspondence. These terms outline the scope of services, client responsibilities, and other pertinent details to ensure a clear and mutual understanding between the client and Benjamin Kurtz Academy LLC.


Withdrawal Policy (Widerrufsrecht)

If you wish to withdraw from a contract, please complete this form and return it to us:

Sample Withdrawal Form

(If you wish to revoke the contract, please complete this form and return it.)

To: Benjamin Kurtz Academy LLC
2880 W Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 225C
Oakland Park, FL 33311, USA

  • I/we (…) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (…) for the purchase of the following goods ()/the provision of the following service (…):
  • Ordered on (…) / received on (…)
  • Name of the consumer(s):
  • Address of the consumer(s):
  • Signature of the consumer(s) (only if submitting on paper)
  • Date

(*) Delete as appropriate


Contact Information

Benjamin Kurtz Academy LLC
2880 W Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 225C
Oakland Park, Florida, 33311, USA


For more info go to:


Event and Retreat Policies

For more info on our Event Policies go here:

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