Benjamin Kurtz Academy LLC
2880 W Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 225C
Oakland Park, FL 33311
Florida, USA
Tax ID (EIN): 92-1696913
Benjamin Kurtz
Phone: +1 (424) 263‑6170
Website: and
We are generally available Monday to Friday from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM (CET, Paris Time).
The fastest way to contact us is via the chat or VideoAsk button at the bottom of every page.
Outside these hours, we will try to respond as soon as possible, but please expect a delay.
We speak English and German. If you have any issues or feedback, feel free to reach out in your native language if listed above.
The European Commission provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), available at
We are willing to participate in an alternative dispute resolution process.
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